
Raleigh Parole Violations Attorney

A parole sentence can be granted to any convicted criminal offender who has completed a certain amount of their prison sentence and during that time demonstrated enough competence to be released back into society under supervision. In other words, it’s a second chance.

If you violate any of the terms of your parole, it can land you back in prison. Statistically speaking, parole violators make for a significant portion of the state prison population. If you or your loved has violated your parole sentence, contact us today to speak with the Raleigh Criminal Attorney immediately to begin working with the court system to prevent a ride back to prison.

A parole violation could include any of the following:

A violation of parole does not necessarily mean that you were involved in criminal activity. If a client has a family with young children or an elderly parent for instance and one of those family members gets sick, this could cause the client to miss a meeting with their parole officer.

The Raleigh Criminal Attorney has ample experience working with the prosecution and the court system to get the fairest sentences possible for our clients that have violated their parole. Contact us today for a consultation regarding your parole violation case.