
Raleigh Criminal Defense Attorney


If you have been accused of a misdemeanor crime in the Raleigh area, the Raleigh criminal attorney can help.

Misdemeanor crimes are the least severe form of crime. But make no mistake; a conviction for a misdemeanor crime is punishable by fines, probation, time in jail, and other consequences. The Raleigh Criminal Attorney can represent any criminal misdemeanor case such as DUI, theft, juvenile crime, disorderly conduct, and much more.

While a person charged with a misdemeanor can represent him or herself in court, it is in the best interest of any defendant to appoint a criminal lawyer. The Raleigh Criminal Attorney has the experience necessary to both represent your case and protect your rights under the law.

Our Raleigh Criminal Lawyer Can Help Keep Your Record Clean

In the state of North Carolina, a misdemeanor offense will open up a public criminal record. This means that anyone that runs a background check on you will be able to see your criminal conviction. Your conviction will also count as a priorable offense. If you are convicted of another crime in the future, your prior misdemeanor will make you eligible for an increased punishment.

Many defendants feel that they should just plead guilty to a misdemeanor offense and take whatever punishment is handed to them. While you are completely within your rights to plead guilty, it is not uncommon for a skilled and experienced Raleigh criminal lawyer to get a case dismissed for reasons that a defendant may be unaware of such as police misconduct or breech of protocol.

If you or your loved one is facing a misdemeanor charge in the Raleigh area, contact our office today to speak with the Raleigh Criminal Attorney today for a consultation regarding your case.